This is a special aspect for safety in case of a general power failure from the supply network. Safety-relevant systems can still be provided with electric current from the SuSi plant until the base load supplier has recovered the supply.

SuSi temporary power storage units can, for example, feed the following systems in the sense of emergency power:

  • Elevators in skyscrapers
  • Alarm systems in private homes or industrial buildings
  • Emergency lighting supply in buildings
  • Telephone systems
  • Heating “pills” for warm water generation
  • The energy transmission unit of the VKWA SuSi can be optionally coupled directly with a water or pressure pump – without detour via power generation and conversion of power into pump capacity.
  • This allows direct transformation of wind energy into pump capacity. It can serve to pump water successively into water reservoirs or to have a pressure increasing effect in pressure accumulators.
  • Water can be taken from a water basin or water container if required, or pressure can be used from a pressure accumulator.
  • A special embodiment is available for such feed pumps, as they are used in the Ukraine and Russia in many remote pumping places.